Saturday, July 11, 2009

Current Malaysia Examination System

Generally Malaysia Exam system is very academic oriented. Some studends can take a lot of subjects and score A's in all of them while some students cann't even survive with the basic requirments. Other than relevant factors like IQ and hardworking, a lot of factors are not in the consideration of this 'grading' our future generation. For example, poor study environment, corrupted teaching environment, improper favortism all are very real and may be the causes for some poorly preform students who could have been great ...

But then again if the most fundamental for education is to prepare the youngs to be ready in our society, all these sickening scenarios are also very real in adult's life. Be it job working, business world or political parties ... similar problems exist there and here too.

So it goes back to if you want our education system to mimid real society as an open system; Or should our education be a Closed system where the Rights and Wrongs are cast in stones even if that is not practical after we graduate ...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Some other good sources on Malaysia Education

Education in Malaysia - the most active blog on the topic,

Minisry - some official stuff...

Malaysia Students - 1st hand experience sharing, by the students, for the studends. This is the blog I am most interested in ...